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Success Stories
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How did you hear about us?
What Services are you interested in? Click all that apply.
Custom Nutrition Design
Performance Training Programming
Aesthetic Training Programming
Valkyrie's Licensed Nutritionist Study Program
Are you currently prepping to compete in anything or are you just wanting to get a specific look to your physique?
What is your specific goal?
What is your current training regiment?
What types of things have you tried in the past with regards to reaching your goals? Did they work or not? What did you like best about those programs? what did you least like? Why do you think they didn't work for you?
What would reaching this goal do for you?
Why is it so important for you to have that?
What would you say is the #1 most difficult thing for you when it comes to following a nutrition or training program?
Have you ever experienced any unhealthy habits related to food? Please explain.
When you get close to a goal or experience the feeling of success,how do you typically react? Do you get stuck there? Do you get excited and push forward? Do you get scared and retract? Please explain.
How much is price a determining factor in your decision to work with us?
I'd like to reach my goal but I'm currently just price shopping
I'm committed to reaching my goal but have limited financial resources
I'm committed to reaching my goals and am willing to invest what ever it takes to get there
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